Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Plan

Mignon had a liver biopsy yesterday and her cancer has spread to two spots in her liver.  The two spots are not close together which is not good news.  One glimmer of good news is that this is the same cancer that was in her colon not a new cancer.  She will have another CT scan next week to make sure her cancer has not spread to her lungs or other organs(insurance reasons).  She will have her port put in on the 4th and begin chemo on Jan 7th.   She is her typical high energy self.  She never complains and endures all of her tests with such grace.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Six Month Mark

Not great news.  Mignon went in for her 6 month CT scan and unfortunately 2 lesions were found on her liver.  She goes in for a biopsy tomorrow.  Port will be implanted and she will begin chemo on Jan 7th.  The goal is chemo, followed by radiation and then liver surgery.